Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Guerrilla Knitting Capital of Australia

On the morning of this beautiful wedding in Brisbane:

Chris, Niko and I went for a walk along the river to Southbank:

And everywhere we looked:

Guerrilla Knitters had attacked!

Giant balls of wool rolled down the streets:

Cold metal kangaroos wore woolly sweaters:

Statues with chilly necks had cuddly scarves!

But Niko was unimpressed.

Car-Ay-Zee Queenslanders! Love it!

P.S. Big Congrats Jase and Marissa!


I love this song and I love this clip. The lights and mirrors, the heart beat drums and the crazy dancing - moody but pretty. I wish I had a dress made of lights. And I wish I had red hair.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles (I mean... Ferries)

We went for another jaunt up north the other week. This time we visited my sister-in-law and her partner in Townsville and then went to a lovely wedding in Brisbane.

As we travelled, it occurred to me that a number of travelling "firsts" were happening for Niko.

First time on Jetstar - oh dear

First ferry ride: To Magnetic Island

First Train ride in Brisvegas