Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sailosi Alexander

4th of January, 3.18am. Our little Sai arrived via a fantastic water birth. "Babies Arms" by The Clouds playing on the iPod.

His official length was 52cm but after he'd unfurled himself a bit, I think it probably should have been closer to 55cm.

After complaining to Chris that I don't have many photos of Sai and I together, I took some self portraits. And then discovered I have a very lazy eye.

Niko is really into his brother. He loves to kiss and cuddle him, has even tried to breastfeed him and gets quite concerned when he cries. He has, however, also sat on him.

Fuzzy, out of focus, milk on his face but this little guy is simply adorable.

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful Tali xxxx You have such wonderful boys... I have two equally wonderful girls... thinks we should hook them up!! ;D
